Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I’m Katie-Kate

And me love you long you time.

 Newly Pierced Noses, November 2006

We were friends.

Then we weren’t.

We were friends again.

Then we weren’t.

We’re friends again (at least on Facebook).

 Fall semester 2006

I’ve written you so many messages, wanted to call you so many times.  I thought about you on my drive to school every morning and when I’d wait in the bathroom in between classes.  I’d hear a song/see something/do something and want to call you, but I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

We weren’t friends.

I wanted to apologize so many times, but for what I didn’t know.  Neither of us did anything wrong.  We just let boys, roommates, school, work, friends, life get in the way.

I told you we wouldn’t kill you!

Will things ever be the same?  Probably not.  It hurts  to even admit this, but it’s what happens.  We grow up and we move on and sometimes we take a step back and it’s amazing, but more often than not we realize why we put it in our past to begin with.

Losing you as a friend broke my heart.  It hurt more than breaking up with a boyfriend.  There’s nothing I’d love more than for us to be friends again, for things to be the way they were.  I’m just skeptical, I suppose.  We haven’t talked in two years and so much has happened in those two years.  Neither of us are the same person and if we’ve changed too much to be friends again, I don’t know that I could take it.

You were the best friend I’ve ever had.  I’ve never been as close to anyone as I was with you.  Let’s face it, talking to each other while on the toilet is as pretty close as you can get without dating.  Whether or not we become friends again, I’m really glad you sent me that friend request.  I’ve missed you.

36774_1549845705368_1211874156_31530688_5138445_n IFLY.  Still.  Always.

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