It’s raining outside. That hard, loud, makes you want to curl up and nap rain. I’m glad there’s a cold front coming in, I just wish it would stay cold for more than 5 days. I seriously should not be wearing flip flops when tomorrow is December 1st.
School has been kicking my butt. It’s a good thing, but I’m so glad that I have two finals December 8th and 10th, a case study due December 13th and then I’M DONE! Thank heavens.
Thanksgiving was quite nice this year. No drama and my uncle is ‘working on his people skills’ and was extra nice to me. I’m happy to say that he’s come a long way from barking at me when I was a little kid! (Yes, I said barking. My family is a strange one, I know.)
This is a lot of random thoughts and for the 7 of you that read this, welcome to my world. I do apologize.
I wanted so badly to finish that 30 Day Blog Challenge, but I don’t know. It got kind of boring. I’m a little unhappy with myself that I didn’t finish it, but I’m okay with it, too. I lasted a lot long than I though I was going to. I think I posted more this month than I ever have.
My cousin is getting married Saturday and I’m the photographer. I’m so nervous, but excited nonetheless. I bought my camera with the intention of taking pictures and making a little extra money here and there, so this is perfect. I’m not letting her pay me since she’s my cousin, but you get the point.
I may post some pictures of the wedding next week, but other than that I think I’m going to lay low until January. I have finals to study for, classes to register for, Christmas is coming up and I have two and a half more seasons of True Blood to watch. (Like Lost and Twilight, I’m jumping on the band wagon a wee late.)
I have some ideas that I want to turn into a reality and I think January is the perfect time to do so. It gives me time to get all my ducks in a row and what better way to start off the new year than with change.
So to sum things up. School. Holidays. Pictures. Change. January.
See you then, folks!